Friday, July 16, 2010


So, whenever we change any type of setting on C's pump (basals, carb ratios, etc.), I'm not sure why, but it always takes a good 4-5 days until the true result is seen and felt.  So, this time was no different.  Slowly and ever surely, her numbers were calming down.

Usually when we go to an appointment, her endo knows not to overwhelm us (me) with too many changes at once.  But this time, C had been so high for so long, around the clock, that I knew I had to throw some of my caution to the wind and trust that it was for the best.  Also, her doc was out on vacation, so I was working over the phone and the CareLink website with one of the nurses.

We increased every single basal setting and even added a couple new ones.  We changed several carb ratios during the times of day when she would really shoot up high.  And, lo and behold, this sweet nurse recognized that C's active insulin time was set at 3 hours, not the normal 2 hours...meaning the pump would calculate corrections knowing that any insulin coverage would last 3 full hours.  Sweetly, and calmly, she told me that the 3 hour setting is "really only used for babies and toddlers."

"If we change it to the normal 2 hours, that will really help with her correction doses."

"Huh.  Well, I guess it's still at the 3 hour setting because, huh, she started on the pump when she was still a toddler!  Thanks for noticing that!...I was never told to change it once she got older."  I had been enlightened. : )

"Now, be sure to do a few nights of 12 and 3 checks," she said as we were just about finishing up.

"Oh yes, yes we will.  I'll email her doc in about a week so she can go over the new numbers.  Thanks so much!"

Days passed.  And, like I mentioned before, C's numbers gradually started dropping back into range.  Then a sneaky little low popped up of 60...and honestly, I was kind of glad. Numbers in range...ahhh!  But then one low turned into 2 in a row.  And then, there were more lows than highs.  I backed off corrections.  I began second-guessing my high-level carb-counting skills.  The midnight and 3 am checks were continuing.  And the "ZING" of anxiety shot through my body as I woke early in the morning.  I lowered a couple of the basals again...

...and then, it was America's birthday!

We were busy with pancake breakfasts, parades, bounce houses, friends and family all weekend long.  And C kept experiencing lows all weekend long.  And, when we were standing in line to go into the local high school football stadium to await the glorious fireworks show, it happened. 

I looked down at C, who was sitting on the sidewalk since the line wasn't moving.  She looked pale.  I tossed her meter to her and told her to check.  And, then intuition kicked in.  Slightly panicked, I shoved everything I was holding into my husband's arms.  I dropped down and took over testing her finger.  And, this is what the meter spewed back at us:


Okay, my heart did a swan dive into my stomach.  I tore through her bag and ripped open a juice box.  She downed it in seconds.  I held the meter up to show the husband.  I couldn't really even speak at this time.  I shoved another test strip in the meter:  58.  **Gigantic sigh**  58?  We can deal with that!  But what in the world was that LO GLUCOSE reading???!!!

I had never seen that before.  In all the 6 1/2 years we've been doing this thing called diabetes...not once.  I wonder, Has anyone else ever experience this nasty message?

Now, if you look closely (at my poorly photographed image), you'll notice that C tested at 58 only one minute after the LO reading.  So, maybe that means, she really wasn't too much lower that one minute before.  So, I'm still not understanding that message.  Oh well. 

To say the least, it was unnerving.

And, after contacting her endo the next morning, we gladly followed her advice to back off on some of those changes we had made the week prior.  I asked her about the LO reading, but in her email, she didn't make mention of it.  I'm sure it will be a topic at C's visit next month!

(Still uttering big sighs around here.)

1 comment:

  1. Um yes. I've seen LO a couple or few times and I'm quite certain they were all WRONG! After shoving a sugar tablet in his face, I checked again and numbers always appeared and in no case were they near as alarming at the letters I use to sign my emails. Holy cow - I'm just making that connection. People must hate seeing my sign off!


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